Welcome to Eye Drops Database - A resource for Eye Care/Health Care Professionals & ADP-EyeCare for Patients.
From this page the website divides into two sections, one dedicated to Professionals and another to Patients. Please select your respective section to access the many and growing resources available.
Click through to access the pages below:
- Welcome
- Products
- Referral Directories - Patient Co-management
- Workshops
- Guest Articles
- The ADP Consultancy Prospectus
- Glossary
- Disclaimer
- Contact
- Eye Safety Card
Please read this important information before proceeding further.
Neither of these web sites are intended to replace the physical attendance for a professional examination and diagnosis by an Eye Care/Health Care Professional using their skill and experience, they are presented here purely for informational purposes. All possible diagnoses and treatment options are not covered, and the information discussed should not be taken as a recommendation for a diagnosis or how to treat a condition, in the same way an Eye Care/Health Care Professional will not base a decision on data on this website, neither should a Patient. A misdiagnosed or improperly treated eye condition can result in a permanent loss of vision, or a permanent loss of function of the eye or visual system. If you are a Patient with an urgent eye problem, seek medical advice, probably starting with the practitioner/practice that carried out your last eye examination, if you contact them they will normally be able to triage your eye problem and offer advise, do not delay. However, if unable to contact your optical practice, it may be necessary to consider your nearest hospital eye department or hospital A & E department, your GP or pharmacist may also be able to offer advice, but do not delay communicating or physical attendance with an Eye Care/Health Care Professional. The information offered on this website is not intended to offer advice on eye problems, and the website cannot provide direct one-to-one advice or communication to anyone regarding eye conditions. The exception to this would be if you enter into direct communication with a specific Eye Care Professional identified in these web sites.